spider control

Sacramento Pest Control and the Fall Pests You Should Be on the Lookout For

By 1seodev / September 1, 2020

As the summer season comes to an end and the fall approaches, the temperature begins to drop. During this time, many pests begin to search for a safe, warm place to create a nest and live through the fall and winter months. Today, we are going to discuss the pests that you are most likely…

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Spider Fact or Fiction From the Sacramento Pest Control Experts

By 1seodev / June 1, 2020

There are plenty of myths spread around about spiders. People warn that they are dangerous and aggressive and that you should avoid them. When in fact, unless you’re an insect that gets caught in their web, spiders are not aggressive and only attack humans when they feel threatened.  In this blog post, we are going…

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Springtime Tips to Keep the Spiders Out

By 1seodev / May 29, 2020

As spring rolls around, the days get longer, the weather gets nicer, and we all start to prepare ourselves for the coming summer. While we are getting some spring cleaning done and digging out our shorts and tank tops, we are not the only ones preparing for the summer season. This is the time of…

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Ant Control for your commercial business in sacramento

Tips for Commercial Pest Control in Sacramento

By 1seodev / December 19, 2019

Dealing with pests in your home is one thing. It’s a personal challenge for you and your family when rodents or insects take control of your space. But when you own and operate your own business, a pest control problem not only affects you, it affects your customers and therefore your livelihood. Just like with…

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Sacramento Pest Management Services for Winter Pests

By 1seodev / November 15, 2019

In a previous post, we talked about where bugs go in the winter. Some may migrate to warmer climates to survive, while others enter a state of sleep referred to as torpor. Those who stick around tend to seek shelter from the chilly weather outside by moving into the homes of unsuspecting homeowners. If you…

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Spooktacular Folsom Pest Control Services

By 1seodev / October 2, 2019

With temperatures slowly on the decline, fall has finally made its grand appearance and provided us with a bit of a reprieve from the intense summer heat. Unfortunately, many common pests come along with the cooler temperatures, and some of them are sure to give you quite a fright if you come across them unexpectedly.…

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Late Summer Pests To Watch Out For

By 1seodev / August 1, 2019

We’re entering the final stretch of summer and fall is quickly approaching. This means you may be seeing different habits in the pests around your home. As your pest control company serving Roseville and the Greater Sacramento area, we understand how frustrating it can be to have a new wave of pests show up after…

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How to Avoid Spiders

By 1seodev / July 15, 2019

In our ongoing blog series on spiders, we’ve looked at the benefits of spiders and revealed some common myths about spiders that are just not true. In this blog post, we’ll discuss tips on how to avoid spiders so you don’t accidentally get bitten by one. Earthwise Pest Management in Roseville offers the best spider…

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Spider Myths Unravelled

By 1seodev / July 1, 2019

Spiders have been around for a very long time, much longer than humans. They have survived this long due to their ability to adapt. Myths or legends involving spiders have been around almost as long as humans have been. They appear in many stories that we love. The ancient Greeks told of a beautiful girl…

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The Benefits of Spiders

By 1seodev / June 20, 2019

It may seem odd for a pest control company to be talking about the benefits of pests, but, in reality, every living creature, even pests, are integral to the food web of this planet and most serve some kind of overarching role in the operation of our planet. If you believe we are connected and…

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