The Importance of Knowledge in Pest Control
We’re entering the final stretch of summer and fall is quickly approaching. This means you may be seeing different habits in the pests around your home. As your pest control company serving Roseville and the Greater Sacramento area, we understand how frustrating it can be to have a new wave of pests show up after the peak of summer. Thankfully, there are ways to manage these new pests and ensure they don’t ruin any fun for you and your family.
Below, we’ll be discussing some common late summer pests that might be posing an issue. If you are encountering these pests more frequently than you would like, we can help. At Earthwise Pest Management, we are proud to offer effective pest control services that can make your home and yard a more enjoyable place to be. Keep reading to learn more!
Common Late Summer Pets
Flies of all types enjoy the warmth and humidity that late summer brings. As you throw your end-of-summer barbecues, they will be even more likely to bother you as they search for tasty food.
Fire Ants
Fire ants are common pests in this area and a bite from one, while usually not dangerous, can leave you with an itchy red bump. Because fire ants live in colonies, single bites are rare and you will likely end up with a handful of them.
Fire ants like warmer weather and are most active during late spring, summer, and early fall. These ants like to build their nests in or near homes and stumbling upon a nest can lead to painful bites.
While rodents are active year-round in our area, as they sense the weather cooling down at the end of summer, they might be more likely to seek shelter in your home, meaning you could have more run-ins with them over the next few weeks than you did during the hotter months. Many rodents will be looking for a place to hide their food stash for the winter and can end up in your attic, garage, or kitchen.
Like rodents, spiders will begin seeking shelter around this time. You can expect to see more spiders in your garage, shed, and home than what you are used to. While most spiders in your home are harmless, no one wants to have a home full of spiders. Give your local pest control team a call for help!
Bed Bugs
Bed bugs are actually more common in late summer because many families traveled and stayed in hotel rooms over summer where bed bugs are most often picked up. As you bring these bugs home and they begin to colonize, you will likely begin noticing signs around this time of the year.
Yellowjackets can both sting and bite and are more aggressive than wasps, hornets, and bees. They also often emerge in mid-to-late summer to begin expanding the nest and forage for food. This is also a time when they may swarm to protect the queen, so be on the lookout for yellowjacket nests and call your local pest control team if you encounter them.
Call Earthwise For Your Roseville Pest Control Needs
As your Roseville pest control company, we are happy to provide year-round pest control for the Greater Sacramento area. If you are experiencing any of the pests above, or something else entirely, do not hesitate to give us a call. We offer treatment for a wide range of pests including bed bugs, spiders, yellowjackets, and more.
Our goal is to help you love living in your home by making it a pest-free environment. Get in touch for a free quote on pest control services in Roseville, Sacramento, Davis, and the surrounding areas.