Rodent Control & Extermination Services in Central California
When protecting your home or business, relying on a trustworthy pest removal company is imperative. And when you’re dealing with a rodent problem, every second counts since these pests can cause lasting issues for your property, family, and wallet.
Don’t go with just any old pest control company. Call the best California has to offer: Earthwise Pest Control! Our rodent control services are comprehensive, effective, and affordable, and our friendly crew is ready to help you root out those rodents once and for all.
Signs of a Rodent Infestation
Unsure if you need rodent control services in or around Sacramento or Stockton, CA? Watch out for these common red flags that rodents have invaded your home or workplace:
- Rodents scurrying around inside or outside of your home or business
- Visible bite marks on food, cardboard boxes, electrical cords, or other items
- Mouse or rat droppings, especially in kitchens, attics, garages, or other dark spaces with food or shelter available
- Mouse or rat tracks in air vents or other dusty areas in the building (spreading out a thin layer of flour or baby powder can help you to see footprints more clearly)
- A foul, musty, or stale odor lingering in your home or commercial building (your pets might pick up on this before you do)
- Rat or mouse nests (usually made of paper, fabric, or plant matter)
Rat & Mouse Extermination Services
The issue with rodents taking over your home is that it can progress extremely quickly if the problem is not addressed as soon as it begins. Rodents can be just as pesky as bugs, if not more so. That’s why we specialize in pest exclusion and other reliable techniques to make sure they get out — and stay out!

Rodent Facts You Should Know
There are between 1,000 and 2,000 species of rodents currently living on Earth, and they’re native to every continent except Antarctica. For many species of rodents, plants are a substantial form of sustenance. However, it should also be noted that they will eat practically anything they can find. This includes drywall, insulation, and food that has not been stored properly. In places where humans live or work, rodents are risky because they often contaminate food, damage the infrastructure of a building, and spread diseases.

Rodent Identification
For the most part, rodents will be black, gray, or brown in color. You may find that their fur is either glossy and sleek or dull and bristly. Their eyes are small, black, and beady, and they have rounded ears. The majority of rodents also have sharp claws on their feet that help them climb and dig tunnels. Mice and rats are particularly known to be gifted climbers compared to other rodents like voles, moles, and gophers.

Since they’re extremely tenacious creatures, rodents can be found everywhere: in open grasslands, forests, deserts, jungles, urban areas, and even arctic environments. While some species of rodents live high off the ground in trees or attics, others are most comfortable living in complex underground burrows or dark, musty spaces such as basements and cellars. There are also some species of rodents that will build nests in secluded places, such as beneath bushes or within the walls of buildings. Rodents are social creatures and live in large colonies, which is why it’s important to call for rat or mouse extermination services ASAP if you see even one of these critters on your property.

Rodent Entry
Homes, commercial buildings, and outdoor spaces where humans gather all provide an enormous amount of food and shelter for rodents. The tiniest of rodent species can get inside a building through a hole less than half an inch in diameter. Rodents will stop at nothing to find a comfortable home or food source and can climb, run, dig, jump, and even swim long distances to infiltrate man-made buildings.
How to Know If You Have a Rodent Problem?
Have you found rodent droppings on the floor of your home’s basement or your commercial building? If so, then you might be facing a rodent problem that you should investigate further. When it comes to rats, mice, and other rodents, a small issue can quickly become a major nuisance in no time at all. In addition to spreading multiple diseases to humans and pets that may reside in the home, rodents can also cause property damage, contaminate your food, and generally create filth in your home, whether you can visibly see it or not. Earthwise Pest Management offers rodent control services to help give you your home or business back. Rodents are the last guests we want residing in our homes or businesses, and through our rodent control, you can be sure your home is properly protected against future rodents.
Additionally, clues you may have a problem with rodents in your home are as follows:
Animal Gnawing
If you notice that there are tiny gnaw marks on food packaging or on the structure of your home itself, you probably have a rodent problem. The marks could be due to either mice or rats, which larger gnaw marks likely being caused by a rat’s larger teeth.
Foul Odors
If you have a house pet, you may find that your dog or cat is drawn to a certain area of the house again and again. This is likely due to an odor they are picking up on. If an infestation grows, you may even be able to identify a stale smell in your home. This is a sign that you have an active infestation and should consult with a local pest control company immediately.
Mouse Tracks
If you dust inside of your home’s vents, it’s likely that you will be able to spot mouse or rat tracks if they exist. You could also notice other indications that you have an infestation such as smudge marks, urine stains, and additional droppings. If you cannot find any of these signs but you are still certain there are mice or rats in your home, spreading out a thin layer of flour or baby powder will help you to see true footprints if they do actually exist. If you choose one of the best pest control experts in the Sacramento area — Earthwise — to handle your rodent infestation, we can usually follow these tracks to find the source of the infestation.
Rat/Mouse Nests
Rats and mice will use nearly any sort of material they can find in order to build a nest. Whether it be shredded paper, fabric, or even dried plant matter, all are fair game when it comes to a place where a rat and its family can hide. If you find a nest that seems to be formed by a rat or mouse, it’s important to call a rodent exterminator as this means your infestation is still active.

Common Problems Rodents Can Cause
In order to keep their teeth from becoming overgrown, rodents need to gnaw frequently. This can cause damaged wiring, which increases the risk of electrical shock and dangerous fires. They also nest in anything they can get their paws on, leading to destroyed or contaminated insulation. But that’s not all rodents can do. Here are some other dangers to be aware of:
- Rodents (and parasites that live on rodents) often carry diseases, including bubonic plague, typhus, leptospirosis, Hantavirus, salmonellosis, tularemia, rat-bite fever, and acute food poisoning, among many others.
- Rodents’ bacteria-infested urine and fecal matter can contaminate food. Even worse, rodent droppings can serve as a nesting place for microscopic tapeworm eggs that can threaten your household’s health.
- Rodents breed rapidly. One pair of mice can have as many as 200 babies in just four months, making the problem exponentially worse.
- Rodents threaten your business. Rodents pose a major hazard to customers and employees, not to mention that a customer who sees a rat in your building isn’t likely to return anytime soon.

What you should know about DIY Rodent Control
If you are considering trapping a rodent and removing it on your own, you may want to reconsider. Not only can this process be tiring, but it can also be dangerous. Because rodents carry diseases like rabies, you could be putting your own health at risk when you are attempting to trap and get rid of rodents in your home. Not to mention, if there are any dead rodents in the walls or vents of your home or business, you may not be able to locate them, which is sure to end in foul smells developing sooner than later. This is why hiring a professional pest control company like Earthwise Pest Management in Sacramento is the best option for you, your employees, and your family.

Our Methods for Controlling Rodents
We know that every home and business is different, so we always tailor our mouse and rat control services to your needs. However, we do have a general process that we follow when you call us out to your house or commercial building for rodent control services. Here’s how it works:
Site Inspection
We begin by performing a comprehensive inspection of your home or commercial space in order to identify anything that might indicate rodent activity. We will also look for potential entry points and attractants that might be drawing rodents to your space.
Pest Exclusion
Closing up potential entry points is our next step, and it’s an especially important one when dealing with crafty critters like rats and mice. Using door sweeps, caulking, and additional products, we will seal any gaps or holes that might be allowing pests to enter your building. Many DIY rodent control methods begin with solutions like poison or traps, but as soon as you allow a mouse or rat to enter your home, you’ve already put yourself at risk for multiple problems. Exclusion is one of the best methods of rodent control because it actually discourages rodents from entering in the first place. While we do utilize traps and rodenticides as necessary, it’s rarely our first step
Next, we’ll provide you with detailed sanitation guidelines and recommend different ways to eliminate anything that may be attracting rodents. It’s important to maintain a clean and sanitary environment so you can prevent rats or mice from returning after they have been eliminated.
Ongoing Monitoring and Maintenance
After everything is complete, your property will need to be monitored and inspected regularly to ensure that the treatment plans we’ve put in place are still working. We will analyze the results and alter or adjust your mouse or rat control program as needed to make certain that the rodents will not be returning.
Bait and Traps
If your problem is severe and we deem it necessary, our pest control experts will pick out rodenticide baits that they can monitor and use to ensure that rodent populations are controlled in the long term. Don’t worry — we’ll monitor these devices so that you don’t have to concern yourself with the setup (or the gross cleanup).
Our Other Pest Control Specialties
In addition to rodent control services, the Earthwise Pest Management team also provides these and other pest management solutions throughout Sacramento and Stockton, CA:
Book Rat & Mouse Control Services Today!
Whether you’re being menaced by a single mouse or have an entire rodent infestation on your hands, our rodent control services can get rid of ‘em for good. Contact Earthwise Pest Management today and schedule service or book an appointment online. We’d be happy to help you remedy your rat problem!