Careers in the Bug World: Beyond Pest Control
Bugs. Some people love them, some people hate them, and some people feel a little of both. Most people who work in a bug-related industry, whether they are trying to save bugs or trying to eliminate pests, have a deep understanding and, even, a respect for the creepy crawlies we share our world with.
Even though our pest control company has a duty to eliminate pests, it’s not because we hate bugs. It’s because we know that there are beneficial insects as much as there are annoying ones. We try to get rid of the annoying or dangerous pests so that the beneficial ones can continue to maintain their ecosystem.
Pest exterminator, though, isn’t the only job title out there related to creepy crawlies. In today’s blog, we’re going to veer away from our normal content about our pest control services and talk a little bit about some other bug-related careers.
Careers Dealing With Bugs And Insects
Pest Control Specialist
Before we get into some other careers, let’s talk about what we do here at Earthwise Pest Management. Pest control specialists, exterminators, and similar job titles all do the same thing: get rid of bugs or insects that are bothering humans or destroying properties. We deal with everything from rodents to termites to ants, and just about every bug in between.
Depending on which pest control company is hiring, a pest control specialist’s job may look very different. Some pest control companies solely spray pesticides on a property and go home. Others, like ours, use a more skilled type of pest control called Integrated Pest Management (IPM). We perform a thorough inspection of the property to diagnose the extent of the pest problem and use our knowledge of pests to discover ways to eliminate it while reducing our use of pesticides.
An entomologist is a general term for a scientist who studies insects. They can be involved in academia and education, they can research new methods of pest management or conservation, they can study the behavior of insects, or they might even be in the field discovering new insects. The list goes on and on! Within the field of entomology, there are some specific job titles that we will discuss below.
Forensic Entomologist
Forensic entomologists are employed by government and law enforcement agencies. Their job is to examine corpses and use their knowledge of insects to provide investigators with crucial information about how or when a crime occurred. Obviously, this job position is not for the faint of heart, but if you have an interest in crime and insects, it could be the perfect position for you.
Medical Entomologist
Medical entomologists are responsible for dealing with insects that can cause disease or illness in humans. They may spend their time researching cures to insect-borne illness or finding new ways to prevent diseases from spreading.
Veterinary Entomologist
Similar to medical entomologists, veterinary entomologists study how insects can spread diseases to animals. They are as crucial for household pets as they are for the livestock industry.
Beekeepers can be self-employed or employed by conservation organizations or manufacturers of bee byproducts like honey or beeswax. Beekeepers are essential in the world of agriculture, as many crop producers hire mobile beekeepers to bring their hives to their farm to pollinate.
Agrochemical Engineer
Agrochemical engineers, similar to pest control specialists, focus on preventing pests. However, they specifically work within the agricultural industry to discover new ways to prevent pests from negatively affecting crop production. They might work as a consultant for producers or they may work to invent new, safer, and more effective pesticides.
Zoo, Botanical Garden, And Butterfly House Technicians
Zoos, botanical gardens, butterfly houses, and other facilities often have entomologists on hand to manage insect-related displays. These roles are typically educational in nature and often involve dealing directly with the public and sharing your knowledge of the insect world.
Conservationists work to conserve both the natural environment and the things that live there. If you’re a conservationist who deals with insects, you might be working on ways to increase bee populations or spread awareness of insects that are endangered. On the other hand, if you are a forest conservationist, you may be finding ways to eliminate insects that are causing diseases and wiping out natural landscapes.
Need Pest Control? We’ve Got You Covered
As you can clearly see, there are a lot of bug-related careers out there. Each job plays an important role in maintaining beneficial pests, getting rid of nuisance pests, and understanding how pests and humans interact in one way or another.
We are proud to be in the insect industry as pest control specialists in Sacramento, California. Our job may not be the most glamorous one out there, but we love knowing that we are helping people feel safe and comfortable in their homes, apartments, schools, and workplaces.
When it comes to dealing with unwanted pests, make sure you call someone who has the knowledge and experience needed to deal with this safely and effectively. Our team is proud to use a method of pest control called Integrated Pest Management (IPM). IPM involves performing a thorough inspection of the property to learn more about the infestation. What pests are here? How did they get in? What do they like about this place? How old is the infestation? When we know these answers, we can devise a treatment plan that can provide long-term relief from your pest problems.
To learn more about how we can help, give our pest control company in Sacramento a call!