Benefits of Insects

You can’t go one day without encountering one insect — even if you stayed inside all day. Odds are, a house spider would decide to skitter across the floor in front of you or a fly would get stuck in your home, annoying you although in its mind the screen on your window is the annoying one, blocking it from the outside world it wants to return to.

Insects are the most populous species on the planet, currently sitting at around 1.5 million known species, which is three times any other number of animals combined. They live on almost every continent except Antarctica, and they occupy every habitat. In essence, you couldn’t escape them, unless you like living in a frozen, desolate wasteland.

Insects have a reputation for being pests, and while not entirely untrue, it’s the fact that we, as humans, only pay attention to the pests, or the ones that bother us and cause us harm in some way. The vast majority of insects get wrapped up in the same label as pests.

Earthwise Pest Management offers the best exterminator services in Roseville. Our mission is to help you be rid of pests so you can go about your daily life without being annoyed. That being said, we use Integrated Pest Management (IPM) as our method of choice for pest control. IPM is a low-invasive way of handling pests. We look for the root cause of your pest infestation so we can stop it from happening again. Then, with environmentally-friendly methods, we’ll rid you of your pests.

We understand that this world could not exist without insects. Below, we’ll go over the benefits of the vast majority of insects and how our world would be incredibly different without them. Contact us today for your next pest infestation.


Role in Food Web

Every living organism on this planet, from animals to plants, has to eat to survive. Some, like plants, are fortunate enough to make their own food, using only elements from the environment. The vast majority of animals have to eat other animals to survive. And with insects being so plentiful, a lot of animals survive off eating them. Some of our most favorite animals eat insects, from frogs, toads, birds, and snakes to bats, anteaters, fish, and hedgehogs. And the food chain just goes up from there. Earthwise Pest Management in Roseville recognizes that every species plays its part in the working of the world, including insects.

Secondary decomposers

Many species of insects spend their life eating others’ leftovers, literally. Termites eat wood (sometimes the wood they are not supposed to eat, like your home), but they also break down dead trees. Earthwise Pest Management in Roseville notes that the common fly will eat just about anything, from animal waste to rotting meat. Carpet beetles will eat every part of a dead animal. They will eat just about anything, including carpets, which helps out our landfills. Bacteria are the first decomposers, but insects play a huge role in getting the food to that level. One interesting fact that most people don’t know is that insects are composed mainly of nitrogen. When they die, nitrogen is returned to the soil, providing food for plants, and the cycle goes on and on. When the 17-year cicada emerged in 2004 and died in the trillions, the soil was replenished.

Pollinating the planet

Most of us know this benefit of insects because we know a lot about bees — and we love the honey they produce. Most plants cannot reproduce without pollination, and there is no way humans could do this function on their own. Besides bees, butterflies and beetles help with pollination as well. Pollination provides us with nuts, fruits, seeds, and vegetables — all of which are necessities for a healthy diet.

Insects eat insects

Earthwise Pest Management in Roseville talked about animals eating animals. But we neglected to mention how insects eat insects — and how insects eat pests as well. In fact, IPM often incorporates natural ways to get rid of insects by using their known predators to do so (known as biological control). For example, in the case of termites, nematodes are worms that love to eat termites. By using nematodes instead of pesticides, you are ridding your world naturally of these pests. Ladybugs eat aphids. Spiders (not an insect, however) are used in pest control services to control mosquitoes, flies, and moths. And the list goes on.

Enrich our world

Think of what our world would be like without insects. Whose day doesn’t brighten when a butterfly flutters by, providing us a glimpse of beauty in a world that sometimes can be overwhelming? Many a child spends evenings catching fireflies as they light up the night sky, fascinated by their glow. Beetles can be some of the most eye-catching organisms in nature, from the purple of the Flower beetle and the rainbow-colored Jewel beetle to the common Ladybug. Crickets provide us with nighttime songs. Grasshoppers, praying mantis, and katydids are fun to catch and watch in action. They have been enshrined in local culture and venerated in ancient cultures, from the ancient Egyptians who worshipped the scarab beetle. Our world would be a lot less without insects.


Earthwise Pest Management in Roseville has dedicated our lives to helping you enjoy the world we live in. We focus on controlling insects, adopting a mindset of not an all-kill program, but instead an all-clear management program to make your world a thing of beauty. Our residential and commercial pest control services focus on finding out why your insect infestation is happening and then taking measures to eliminate the problem in a natural way. We focus on pests that can do us harm, and we leave the rest up to nature.

When you partner with Earthwise Pest Management in Roseville, you’ll receive a long-term, effective solution to your pest problem with minimal environmental impact. Contact us today to get started!