Your Home Pest Control in Sacramento and What You Never Knew About Mice

Surprising Mouse Facts: More Than Just a Pest

Mice are reported to be the most common mammal in the United States, so it makes sense that many homeowners report having to deal with an infestation at one time or another. And because mice are so common, you might think you already know all about these furry pests, but you don’t.

Some people find mice cute and cuddly while others find them simply terrifying. Whichever side of the fence you are on, the facts about mice are both fascinating and alarming. Mice have been around since long before cities were built. And we are willing to bet they will be here for a long, long time.

By building houses that offer warmth and food, it is obvious why they choose to occupy our homes. We make their lives easier. Earthwise Pest Management, your home pest control in Sacramento, offers fun facts about mice.

Mice Like to Chew and Chew and Chew

The teeth of mice are constantly growing, they never stop. So mice have to chew constantly to keep them ground down to a comfortable size. This isn’t a big deal in nature, but it can be a problem with mice in your house.

You see, mice aren’t particular about what they chew on, so they can and will chew on wires, which can lead to electrical fires and other damaging possibilities.

Mice Love Food

Mice love food and they tend to be greedy with it. Mice are omnivorous and will basically eat anything they can get their little paws on. And like little tourists, they love to stop at every place and sample the local cuisine.

On an average night, a mouse will make up to 30 visits to different food sites.

They Explore

Mice love an adventure and they will explore their territory every day for new objects. They don’t have a fear or dislike for new objects and actually seek them out.

Mice are Accomplished Climbers

Mice are able to scale tough vertical surfaces and they can even walk along thin wires. Don’t be surprised should you ever find a mouse on the top of your refrigerator, if there is a way to scale an appliance, they will find it.

Jumping Skills

Mice can jump to incredible heights. The average size of a house mouse is three to four inches, yet these little creatures can jump as high as 12 inches. That is very impressive.

They Can Hear You

Compared to humans, a mouse’s hearing is superb. Research shows that mice can hear ultrasound up to 90kHz. They also use ultrasound to communicate among themselves. They use ultrasound to serenade each other, how romantic.

Three Blind Mice

Mice don’t see so well and can see best in dim light. But this doesn’t slow them down or bother them because their other senses are highly acute.

Mice Prefer Warmth

Mice are driven indoors when the weather turns cold. Mice like to escape the cold and would prefer to live in your warm and cozy house.

Mice are Quite Nimble

Mice are able to flatten out their bodies and can squeeze through gaps the size of a pencil. So when it comes to keeping mice out of your home, you need to ensure all gaps and cracks are properly sealed.

They Have Short Lifespans

Mice who live in the wild can expect to only live about five or six months. This is due to the fact they are a food source for several predators including snakes, coyotes, cats and foxes.

However, in a lab setting or as a pet, mice can live for up to two years.

They Spread Germs

You might already be aware that mice can carry diseases like Salmonella and Hantavirus, but that isn’t all. Mice can actually carry as many as 200 human pathogens.

Tons of Droppings

Mice aren’t potty-trained, they use the bathroom wherever they please. A typical house mouse will produce between 40 and 100 droppings a day. You are wondering how such cute little critters can produce so much waste. Well, it’s because mice eat a lot.

1 = 1 = 150

This is not bad math, it is what happens when a male mouse and female mouse meet up in your house. A female mouse can give birth at two months of age and can have a dozen babies every three weeks. This means 150 offspring in a single year.

If you have a mouse infestation, call Earthwise Pest Management.