Your Commercial Pest Control Service in Sacramento and Keeping Your Restaurant Free from Pests

Pest Control Tips for Sacramento Restaurants

Food business owners and restaurant managers know all too well the negative implications of a pest-filled establishment. And the industry has some pretty strict regulations when it comes to pest control wherever food is served.

Pest control is a necessary step for establishing your brand’s reputation. But more importantly, pest control ensures the well-being and safety of employees and the customers that you serve. The dangers and damage that pests can bring to a restaurant cannot be stressed enough.

Earthwise Pest Management, your commercial pest control service in Sacramento, offers ways you can ensure that your establishment remains pest free.

Seal Them Out

A key pest deterrent is to block off all entry points. All windows and doors should have well-fitted screens and holes and cracks all around the restaurant should be caulked or otherwise sealed up.

It is also important to keep doors closed as much as possible. If you need help in identifying entry points, we can help.

Clean Your Drains

Another area restaurant owners and managers overlook are the drains. Food often collects in the drains, rots, and attracts flies. In order to avoid this, have your floor drains cleaned out on a regular basis. You should also be using drain traps to catch any food before it falls into the drains and accumulates.

Properly Handle Waste

All outdoor garbage cans should be tightly sealed. Garbage cans inside the establishment should be emptied several times a day by pulling out the liner and tying it off. The garbage cans themselves should be scrubbed out on a regular basis to prevent residue buildup.

Proper Labeling and Rotation

All food should be properly labeled and dated. And don’t forget to rotate your food stock. Spoiled food is much more likely to attract unwanted pests.

Improve Food Storage

You should be inspecting all food shipments as they come in. Check boxes for droppings, bite marks and live pests before you bring them into your establishment.

You also want to ensure that your food storage containers are well-sealed and neatly stacked. All storage areas should be cleaned on a regular basis and inspected for signs of pests.

Trim Your Bushes

Regular mowing and trimming around your restaurant will help make the exterior more inviting for your customers but less inviting to pests. Remove tall grass and weeds from around structures to help prevent pests from hiding and living around the perimeter of your building.


Rodents are always on the lookout for places to breed and nest. They also thrive and multiply rapidly when there are ample food and water sources. So don’t overlook closets and other places where junk can gather and create a cluttered mess.

Call Earthwise Pest Management

Earthwise Pest Management is the commercial pest control experts. Our pest solutions for restaurants begins with a thorough inspection of your establishment. We work hard to ensure pests don’t get a stronghold within your restaurant. If you are worried about pests in your establishment, give Earthwise Pest Management a call today.