Home Pest Control in Sacramento and Wildlife in Your Home

Keep Wildlife Out of Your Sacramento Home!

Mice, raccoons and squirrels are sure cute when they are outdoors minding their own business, but should they manage to find a way inside your home, they suddenly become much less adorable.

Wild animals, while cute and admirable, are known for their destructive behavior once inside your home. They can even spread dangerous diseases. It is far better to admire wildlife from afar and not have to deal with them in your house.

You might think your home is safe from wildlife, but that is not always the case. Earthwise Pest Management, your home pest control in Sacramento, offers ways you can prevent wildlife from entering your home.

Construction Gaps

A construction gap is a common point of entry for squirrels and other smallish critters. When a home is built, sometimes there is a gap left along the roofline. If you have a construction gap, you can see the sunlight shining through it when you take a look around your attic.

Construction gaps should be sealed with galvanized metal flashing, which blocks the entry point and keeps the squirrels and other critters out.

Damaged Shingles

When your shingles are in good shape, they do a fine job of keeping critters out of your home. But if your shingles are old and damaged, they don’t offer the same protection. Over time, shingles blister, curl and simply fall off. Once this happens, it is far easier for squirrels and other animals to get in your attic.

It makes sense to check your roof from time to time to ensure there are no damaged shingles that need to be replaced.

Roof Vents

Roof vents are yet another way in which animals can enter your home. When it gets cold outside, squirrels and other animals can feel the warm air coming from the roof vents. Curious critters will slip inside and make themselves at home. Even if your roof vents are in good shape and fit well, a determined squirrel can and will chew their way through.

Typically, squirrels and raccoons are the only culprits capable of doing this. However, once a roof vent has been breached, it is like a welcome mat for other wildlife including birds, bats and other pests. A broken roof vent leaves your home vulnerable to water and weather damage.

Protect your roof vents by covering them with a screening material. This should be strong enough to stop an animal from destroying it.


If you live in an older home, you might want to check your foundation. As time passes, concrete will start to fail, which makes cracks bigger and weaker. If an animal digs down deep enough, they could exploit the foundation damage and find their way into your home.

The most common animals that will enter through foundation cracks are mice and snakes.

Watch the Garbage

The more garbage you have in and around your home, the more likely you will attract unwanted wildlife. The animals most attracted to garbage are squirrels and raccoons.

When it comes to your yard, take the time to clean it up and make sure garbage isn’t on the ground. It is also a good idea to keep your garbage cans sealed tight. If at all possible, store your garbage cans in the shed or garage.

Eliminate Unintended Shelters

If you have a pile of wood stacked up next to your house, it is time to have it removed. Piles of wood serve as shelter for animals and safe passage into your home. You also need to remove brush piles, dead trees and other objects that can serve as shelter.


Wild animals are excellent climbers and will have no problem getting to your chimney. For many critters, it is far too easy to climb up and get into your home through the chimney. If your home does not have a chimney cap, now is a good time to look into having one installed.

Be Proactive

There is no reason to wait until an animal gets into your home to check for entry points. Get ahead of the game by frequently walking around the inside and outside of your home looking for ways in which animals can enter.

If you have critters in your home that need to be removed, call Earthwise Pest Management.