Your Handy Guide to Spiders in Sacramento
They have eight legs and they are gross. That is the extent of what is known about spiders for many people. You see a spider and it’s bad news, hurry up and squish it. There is no need to know anything else about spiders. But that attitude might be a bit short-sighted.
Spiders get a bad rap. You see these creepy-crawlies in horror movies, haunted houses and inside your home and they are met with a scream and the bottom of a boot. It’s all too easy to see why there is such a hate for these pests, their webs are horrifying and they have gruesome hunting methods.
We doubt that learning about spiders will quell your fear of them, but at least you might appreciate them a little more. Earthwise pest Management, your commercial pest control in Sacramento, offers this handy spider guide.
Wolf Spiders
Wolf spiders are almost always dark brown with pale stripes. They have long legs and a hairy body. There are over 100 species of wolf spiders all across the United States. They tend to stay at floor level, especially under furniture and along long walls.
If you see one in your home, it may have caught a ride on firewood or something else that was brought in from the outside.
Wolf spiders are pretty scary looking and they can bite, but it is rare and only if they are provoked.
Wolf spiders don’t build nests to hunt, they actually chase their food as they can run rather fast.
Long-Bodied Cellar Spiders
Cellar spiders are light brown or pale yellow in color and have very long and skinny legs holding up a small body. You can find over 20 species of cellar spiders all across the nation.
You can find cellar spiders in damp and dark places, like your cellar for example. But you can also find them in closets, cupboards and dark corners of your garage. They tend to thrive in areas with high humidity, so check your bathroom.
Cellar spiders can’t bite you and pose no threat to humans.
Jumping Spiders
Jumping spiders are compact in shape and have short legs, they are black with pale markings. You can find this type of spider all over the United States.
Jumping spiders build web retreats that can be found inside and outside. You are likely to spot one in the window sill or outside as they are one of the few species that enjoy the sunlight.
They might bite, but only in self-defense and they are not poisonous.
House Spiders
House spiders are brown or yellow and have an elongated abdomen. House spiders are found all across the United States, they are found all across the world as well.
When you get home, check-up in the corners of the rooms, under furniture and in basements and crawl spaces, you will find house spiders almost anywhere.
And while house spiders might prove to be a nuisance, they are harmless to humans.
Brown Recluse Spiders
Brown recluse spiders are brown and have a dark brown violin marking on their back. You will find these spiders in woodpiles and debris outside and under furniture and inside storage items indoors.
Brown recluse spiders will only bite in self-defense, but bites are painful and can produce an ulcerating sore that will need to be treated by a doctor. Other symptoms of a brown recluse spider bite include fever, restlessness and difficulty sleeping.
Black Widow Spiders
Black widow spiders are shiny and black with a telltale red hourglass shape on them. You can find black widow spiders in woodpiles, boxes and other dark areas. They prefer to build their web in areas that are undisturbed.
Male black widows rarely bite, but females are more aggressive and will bite in self-defense. They are poisonous, but a bite is rarely fatal. The symptoms of a bite include nausea, sweating and increased blood pressure.
Tarantulas are brown, black and beige and can be found in many parts of the United States. They are large spiders and covered in hair. The bite of a tarantula is painful, but they aren’t poisonous.
If you are suffering an infestation of spiders in your home, give Earthwise Pest Management a call.